


Undertale.net Animation - 工作坊

This is what you'll see if you go to undertale.net. I found it interesting, so I made an offline version of it, and removed the annoying music.

Undertale on Steam

評分 10/10 (224,440) · US$9.99 “獨立遊戲中絕對是難得一見神作,或是在畫面上只是款普通的像素遊戲。但Undertale 卻是一款比市面上任何一款3A 大作還要來的值得購買。每一個登場的角色都有著各自的 ...


UNDERTALE is an indie RPG where no one has to die. Inspired by the likes of the EarthBound series, particularly Mother 3, Yume Nikki, and Cave Story. Proto:Undertale · Prerelease:Undertale · Notes:Undertale · Undertale/pl


Game available on UNDERTALE on Nintendo Switch. Digital edition available on Nintendo eShop. Physical edition available at Fangamer, Best Buy. DEMO · About · Faq / contact · Deltarune mailing list

Toby Fox

Robert F. Fox[1][2](——),又名Toby Fox[a]、Radiation,[3]美国电子游戏开发者及游戏音乐作曲家。他因开发制作电子角色扮演游戏Undertale和Deltarune而 ...


Undertale walkthrough, Pacifist guide and tips for Switch, PS4, Vita and PC. How to spare everyone in the acclaimed role-playing adventure.

Undertale FanFiction Archive

Games: Undertale fanfiction archive with over 9927 stories. Come in to read, write, review, and interact with other fans.


260 votes, 36 comments. 528K subscribers in the Undertale community. UNDERTALE is an indie RPG created by developer Toby Fox about a child, ...

Did some math and I realized something about Toby Fox's income

According to Steam, Undertale has sold between 2.5 and 5 million copies. This doesn't include people who bought from the undertale website or ...


《Undertale》(又譯作「地域傳說」、「地下傳說」)是托比·福克斯(Toby Fox,id為tobyfox)獨立開發、發行的一款角色扮演遊戲。玩家在遊戲中要控制一位掉入地底世界,被 ...


Thisiswhatyou'llseeifyougotoundertale.net.Ifounditinteresting,soImadeanofflineversionofit,andremovedtheannoyingmusic.,評分10/10(224,440)·US$9.99“獨立遊戲中絕對是難得一見神作,或是在畫面上只是款普通的像素遊戲。但Undertale卻是一款比市面上任何一款3A大作還要來的值得購買。每一個登場的角色都有著各自的 ...,UNDERTALEisanindieRPGwherenoonehastodie.InspiredbythelikesoftheEarthBoundseries,particularlyMot...
